Upcoming Events

MLK Day of Service at PRS
Join APWC, UCAN AmeriCorps, Pollinator Project Rogue Valley, and The Friends of the Cascade Siskiyou National Monument in a day of service at PRS! Plant willow stakes, remove invasive species, and learn about the importance of beavers and enjoy snacks!

Fall Work Party @ Provolt Recreation Site
Please join us at our fall volunteer work parties!
Contact liz_shen@hotmail.com to RSVP.

Fall Work Party @ Provolt Recreation Site
Please join us at our fall volunteer work parties!
Contact liz_shen@hotmail.com to RSVP.

Fall Riverside Cleanup at Cantrall Buckley Park
Join APWC and Cantrall Buckley Park volunteers for the Fall Riverside Cleanup at Cantrall Buckley Park! As part of SOLVE Oregon’s Fall Statewide Beach and Riverside Cleanup Event, this workday is connected to a statewide campaign to clean and celebrate our natural spaces.
The focus of the day will be removing debris and invasive species.

Provolt After Dark: Star Party
EVENT FULL. Registration is now closed. Learn about dark sky practices and watch the night sky with provided telescopes.

Provolt After Dark: Creatures of the Night
EVENT FULL. Registration is now closed. Get a chance to witness Provolt’s bats and owls with a guided tour by a BLM biologist.

2nd Annual Celebration of Thanks: Honoring Cantrall Buckley Park
Join us from 12-4pm on April 20th for the 2nd Annual Celebration of Thanks in honor of Cantrall Buckley Park. We will be celebrating our donors, volunteers, partners, and community members, as well as all the enhancement and restoration work that has been accomplished at the park this year. Due to storm damage at the park, this year’s event will be held at Ruch Outdoor Community School.

Field Day Exercise
This free event is an excellent introduction for anyone interested in learning the basic tools and skills involved in wildland firefighting/prescribed burning or getting certified for employment as a wildland firefighter.

Prescribed Fire Skills Weekend
This training is for all who want to learn about the intentional use of fire for healthy landscapes and safer communities.

Certified Burn Manager Course
For the first time in our region, the OSU Extension will be offering this course intended for individuals who already have experience with managing prescribed burns and would like to increase their knowledge and gain liability protection from the state.

All Things Fire Fair
Join partners in the Applegate for a community event featuring a mix of presentation and interactive demonstrations focused on wildfire and community preparedness.

2024 Steelhead Derby
Join the Middle Rogue Steelheaders for their 3rd annual Steelhead Derby on Saturday, March 9th!

PRS Volunteer Work Party
Spend the morning in good company contributing to enhancements at the Provolt Recreation Site!

Pile Burning Workshop
This free workshop is intended for people with limited or no experience using fire, and/or folks who like to stand around a fire, chat and make new friends, and get some work done.

Applegate Water Security Education Event
Learn more about household and landscape water security!
Join A Greater Applegate and the Applegate Partnership & Watershed Council for a day-long water security workshop. Learn about household and residential landscape water conservation practices, as well as practical solutions for water storage.

Work Day & Team Meeting at Provolt Recreation Site.
Give back to your local community recreation site, join us for our joint work day and team meeting!

Movie Night and Q&A hosted by the Williams Rural Fire Protection District Station
The Williams Rural Fire Protection District Station will host a movie screening of the documentary Elemental: Redefining our Relationship with Wildfire to help shed light on this local issue and to talk through the best practices in mitigating wildfire risk in the Applegate and Williams Valley communities.

Local Nonprofit Fair at the Williams Farmer’s Market
Come by the William’s Farmers Market to learn about and support the local nonprofits in your community. Make sure you stop and say hi to us while you're there!

CBP SOLVE Riverside Clean-Up Event & Volunteer Work Party
The Cantrall Buckley Park SOLVE Riverside Fall Clean-Up Event & Volunteer Work Party will be held on Sept. 30th, 2023 from 9am-12pm.

What's Happening to our Douglas firs?
Hear retired Southern Oregon OSU Extension forester Max Bennett discuss his findings on the health of Douglas fir trees in our region.
This program is In Person at the Medford Public Library. The presentation is free and open to the public.

PRS Team Meeting & Williams Creek Field Trip
Whether you’re a new or returning volunteer, please join us for a Provolt Volunteer Team Meeting.
Team Meeting 9:00am-10:15am followed by a Laurel Hill Ditch/Williams Creek Diversion Field Trip 10:30am - 11:15am.

PRS Volunteer Work Party: Pulling Star Thistle
Come volunteer at the Provolt Recreation Site!
It's late season but not too late to bag some star thistle. Come when you can and stay as long as you’d like!

Applegate Evening Market
Come by the Applegate Evening Market at LongSword Vineyard to learn about and support the local nonprofits in your community. Make sure you stop and say hi to us while you're there!

Applegate Water Security Education Day
Join A Greater Applegate and the Applegate Partnership & Watershed Council for a day long water security workshop.
Learn about household and residential landscape water conservation practices, as well as practical solutions for water storage.
**Tickets available for purchase here in advance and at the door on the day of the event. Registration includes lunch.

PRS Volunteer Work Party: Installing New Benches
River Walk Trail Work Party - Install New Benches and Bench Site Touchup.
PLEASE RSVP if you are coming so we can plan the work and food! liz_shen@hotmail.com or (541) 660-8202

RVPBA Community Prescribed Burn
Come learn how to prepare the land for the beneficial application of fire, the methodology of ignition, the use of water handling equipment including hose lays and backpack pumps, monitoring control lines, and post burn mop-up.

Cantrall Buckley Park Donor Celebration
Join APWC and AGA in celebrating the restoration and artistic upgrades to Cantrall Buckley Park. Donors of all levels, community members and the artists will all be present for the daylong celebration. Enjoy trolley tours of the park, learn more about the sculptures and park improvements, and the organizations that helped make them possible!

CBP SOLVE Riverside Clean-Up Event & Volunteer Work Party
The Cantrall Buckley Park SOLVE Riverside Spring Clean-Up Event & Volunteer Work Party will be held on Earth Day, April 22nd 2023 from 9am-12pm.

PRS Volunteer Work Party: Installing New Benches, Tables & Bench Site Touchup
Work Party - Install New Benches, Tables and Bench Site Touchup
PLEASE RSVP if you are coming so we can plan the work and the food.

PRS Team & Work Party Planning Meeting
The Provolt Recreation Site is hosting a volunteer work party for anyone who wants to come lend a hand installing river-view benches, a boot brush station, and picnic tables. Trail maintenance and site clean-up is also needed. Snacks and lunch provided!