Sec of Ag accepting Applications for Federal Advisory Committee

The Secretary of Agriculture approved the establishment of a Federal Advisory Committee for national forests within the Northwest Forest Plan (NWFP) area of Northern California, Oregon, and Washington.


The Committee will provide input on landscape management that promote sustainability, climate change adaptations, and wildfire resilience while addressing increased demands on lands within the Northwest Forest Plan area.  The Committee is expected to create a clear set of recommendations to revise individual land management plans within the NWFP area. This includes a consistent approach to conserving key resources across the planning area while allowing for deviations for local social, ecological, and economic conditions and needs.


We are actively seeking nominations for what will be a 20-member committee.


We are looking for applicants who will represent the diversity of the three states covered by the plan; for experts in the science community; people serving in organizations with an interest in these forests; and people serving in government, tribal and public service positions.


These voices will help us determine our response to significant changes in ecological and social conditions across the NWFP area. 


To meet this obligation, we are asking for your help to help us share the information about this opportunity widely through your public and partner networks.


Attached is the Northwest Forest Plan Federal Advisory Committee news release.  It provides additional information on the NWFP FACA, including criteria and instructions to submit a nomination packet.  The news release is available in multiple languages and available on request. 


Please feel free to reach out if you, or any of your staff have additional questions. 


This is an important opportunity for Oregon, and I thank you in advance for your support of this effort. 



Linda L. Lind
Oregon State Liaison
Forest Service
Pacific Northwest Region
p: 503-945-7419
c: 503-961-0733
f: 503-945-7490
2600 State Street, Building D
Salem, OR 97310

Applegate Partnership

The Applegate Partnership & Watershed Council is a community-based non-profit organization whose mission is β€œto promote ecosystem health across the Applegate watershed through stewardship, education and restoration carried out in partnership with landowners, agencies and other interested parties while contributing to local economic and community well-being.”


OR Drought & Water Supply Conditions Rpt, 2/6/23


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